Ep13: If Nuns Ruled The World #socialbiography #ladyinred

Dave and Bob are “blessed” to have their mom Helen on the show.  Refusing to take for granted the stories held by their parents, they ask their mom to tell them stories about her life.  She tells them about how she decided to become a nun and her rich life as a nun working for peace and justice.  She does so in the framework of a social biography, or telling her story in the context of what was happening social and politically.  She ends her story with wisdom for her sons, handling the Crew’s questions about living as a former nun in times of dystopia.


Huge thanks to In Heaven by Drake Stafford for our intro song, A Time for Action by Kennedy for our outro, the prolific and enigmatic Joe Shine for the thumbnail art.


For more on the Sisters of Mercy of Detroit have a great website


The statistics on women in religious orders referred to by Helen


Learn more about the nuns fighting and speaking out for justice



The Last Dance has captured Helen’s attention. 

Intersectionality and Astrology on The Astrology Podcast

Dave is loving Watchmen (so dystopian!)


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